Changing screen brightness

1. Laptop screen

Use xbacklight from the xorg-xbacklight package to adjust brightness for laptop screens:

$ sudo pacman -S xorg-xbacklight

Control brightness using -set, -inc, -dec:

$ xbacklight -set 20            # set brightness to 20
$ xbacklight -inc 20            # +20
$ xbacklight -dec 20            # -20

By default, brightness gradually fades into the target value—20 steps in 200ms. Set -steps to 1 to avoid the fading effect:

$ xbacklight -steps 1 -dec 10

Get current brightness using -get:

$ xbacklight -get
$ xbacklight -get | sed 's/\..*//' # remove decimal part

i3 config:

bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec --no-startup-id \
        xbacklight -steps 1 -dec 10 &&\
        notify-send -t 1000 "Laptop brightness $(xbacklight -get | sed 's/\..*//')"
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp   exec --no-startup-id \
        xbacklight -steps 1 -inc 10 &&\
        notify-send -t 1000 "Laptop brightness $(xbacklight -get | sed 's/\..*//')"

1.1. Problem: No outputs have backlight property

On a fresh installation of Arch Linux, xbacklight may produce error:

$ xbacklight -set 20
No outputs have backlight property

Installing xf86-video-intel will fix the problem:

sudo pacman -S xf86-video-intel

2. External monitors

Display Data Channel (DDC) allows computer to adjust monitor parameters such as brightness and contrast. ddcutil is a tool that can control monitors through DDC.

2.1. Install ddcutil

First, install ddcutil and i2c-tools:

$ sudo pacman -S ddcutil i2c-tools

2.1.1. Load I2C module

The i2c-dev module needs to be loaded manually:

$ modprobe i2c-dev

If the module is loaded properly, you should see a list of /dev/i2c-* devices:

$ ls /dev/i2c-*
/dev/i2c-0  /dev/i2c-2  /dev/i2c-4  /dev/i2c-6  /dev/i2c-8
/dev/i2c-1  /dev/i2c-3  /dev/i2c-5  /dev/i2c-7

To load the module at boot, create /etc/modules-load.d/i2c-dev.conf with:


2.1.2. Add to user group

Grant RW access to the /dev/i2c-* devices by adding the current user to the i2c user group:

$ sudo usermod $USER -aG i2c

Reboot to see the effect, or log in to new group for the current shell (the i3 config only works after reboot):

$ newgrp i2c

2.2. Overview

Running ddcutil on my laptop produces the following warnings:

Unable to open directory /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c--1: No such file or directory
Device /dev/i2c-255 does not exist. Error = ENOENT(2): No such file or directory
/sys/bus/i2c buses without /dev/i2c-N devices: /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-255
Driver i2c_dev must be loaded or builtin

But the tool functions properly so far, so they can be ignored. All the results shown below will have the warning removed.

Detect monitors:

$ ddcutil detect
Invalid display
   I2C bus:  /dev/i2c-4
   DRM connector:           card0-eDP-1
   EDID synopsis:
      Mfg id:               CMN - Chimei Innolux Corporation
      Product code:         5332  (0x14d4)
      Serial number:
      Binary serial number: 0 (0x00000000)
      Manufacture year:     2017,  Week: 48
   DDC communication failed
   This is an eDP laptop display. Laptop displays do not support DDC/CI.

Display 1
   I2C bus:  /dev/i2c-5
   DRM connector:           card0-DP-1
   EDID synopsis:
      Mfg id:               AOC - UNK
      Model:                Q27P2G5
      Product code:         9986  (0x2702)
      Serial number:        TAUNAHA006059
      Binary serial number: 6059 (0x000017ab)
      Manufacture year:     2022,  Week: 42
   VCP version:         2.2

Two monitors are detected:

  1. Invalid display: my laptop's monitor, which, unsurprisingly, does not support DDC/CI.
  2. Display 1: external AOC monitor, which supports DDC/CI, and is on bus 5 (/dev/i2c-5). This is the target screen.

Show all VCP Feature Codes that ddcutil understands for display 1:

$ ddcutil -d 1 getvcp known
VCP code 0x02 (New control value             ): One or more new control values have been saved (0x02)
VCP code 0x0b (Color temperature increment   ): 100 degree(s) Kelvin
VCP code 0x0c (Color temperature request     ): 3000 + 35 * (feature 0B color temp increment) degree(s) Kelvin
VCP code 0x10 (Brightness                    ): current value =    50, max value =   100
VCP code 0x12 (Contrast                      ): current value =    50, max value =   100
VCP code 0x14 (Select color preset           ): 6500 K (0x05), Tolerance: Unspecified (0x00)
VCP code 0x16 (Video gain: Red               ): current value =    50, max value =   100
VCP code 0x18 (Video gain: Green             ): current value =    50, max value =   100
VCP code 0x1a (Video gain: Blue              ): current value =    50, max value =   100
VCP code 0x1e (Auto setup                    ): Auto setup not active (sl=0x00)
VCP code 0x20 (Horizontal Position (Phase)   ): current value =     0, max value =   100
VCP code 0x30 (Vertical Position (Phase)     ): current value =     0, max value =   100
VCP code 0x52 (Active control                ): Value: 0x00
VCP code 0x60 (Input Source                  ): DisplayPort-2 (sl=0x10)
VCP code 0x62 (Audio speaker volume          ): Volume level: 80 (00x50)
VCP code 0x6c (Video black level: Red        ): current value =    80, max value =   100
VCP code 0x6e (Video black level: Green      ): current value =    80, max value =   100
VCP code 0x70 (Video black level: Blue       ): current value =    80, max value =   100
VCP code 0x7e (Trapezoid                     ): Maximum retries exceeded
VCP code 0x86 (Display Scaling               ): Max image, no aspect ration distortion (sl=0x02)
VCP code 0x87 (Sharpness                     ): current value =    50, max value =   100
VCP code 0xac (Horizontal frequency          ): 1093 hz
VCP code 0xae (Vertical frequency            ): 60.00 hz
VCP code 0xb2 (Flat panel sub-pixel layout   ): Red/Green/Blue vertical stripe (sl=0x01)
VCP code 0xb6 (Display technology type       ): LCD (active matrix) (sl=0x03)
VCP code 0xc6 (Application enable key        ): 0x0040
VCP code 0xc8 (Display controller type       ): Mfg: RealTek (sl=0x09), controller number: mh=0x00, ml=0x00, sh=0x00
VCP code 0xc9 (Display firmware level        ): 0.1
VCP code 0xca (OSD/Button Control            ): OSD disabled, button events enabled (sl=0x01), Host control of power unsupported (sh=0x00)
VCP code 0xcc (OSD Language                  ): Chinese (simplified / Kantai) (sl=0x0d)
VCP code 0xd6 (Power mode                    ): DPM: On,  DPMS: Off (sl=0x01)
VCP code 0xdc (Display Mode                  ): Standard/Default mode (sl=0x00)
VCP code 0xdf (VCP Version                   ): 2.2

There are a lot of entries. The one we are interested in is the brightness (VCP code 0x10), currently at 50, the maximum being 100:

VCP code 0x10 (Brightness                    ): current value =    50, max value =   100

2.3. Changing & querying brightness

Use setvcp to change brightness in different ways:

$ ddcutil setvcp 10 25          # set brightness to 25
$ ddcutil setvcp 10 + 5         # brightness +5
$ ddcutil setvcp 10 - 5         # brightness -5

Use getvcp (or get) to obtain current brightness:

$ ddcutil getvcp 10             # get current brightness
VCP code 0x10 (Brightness                    ): current value =    25, max value =   100
$ ddcutil getvcp --brief 10     # brief output: VCP <CODE> C <CUR> <MAX>
VCP 10 C 25 100
$ ddcutil getvcp --brief 10 | cut -d' ' -f4 # only get current value

2.4. Speedup

The above use of ddcutil is simple, yet frustratingly slow:

$ time sh -c "ddcutil setvcp 10 25 && ddcutil get --brief 10"
VCP 10 C 25 100

real    0m1.079s
user    0m0.061s
sys     0m0.105s

Simply setting and getting brightness takes a whole 1 second.

According to rockowitz's comment:

  1. ddcutil examines each /dev/i2c-* device on startup, which is a slow process. Specifying the monitor bus number with --bus (or -b) reduces ~180ms:

    $ time ddcutil setvcp 10 25
    real    0m0.580s
    user    0m0.031s
    sys     0m0.068s
    $ time ddcutil --bus=5 setvcp 10 25
    real    0m0.404s
    user    0m0.011s
    sys     0m0.017s

    However, simply specifying a display number does not reduce time, as I2C devices are still examined to determine which one is used:

    $ time ddcutil --display=1 setvcp 10 25
    real    0m0.579s
    user    0m0.028s
    sys     0m0.066s
  2. Most of the elapsed time is spent in pauses mandated by the DDC spec. Use --sleep-multiplier to adjust the length of time spent in mandated sleep. For example, --sleep-multiplier=0.2 multiplies the sleep time by 0.2:

    $ time ddcutil -b 5 --sleep-multiplier=0.2 --brief get 10
    VCP 10 C 25 100
    real    0m0.109s
    user    0m0.018s
    sys     0m0.008s

    This significantly reduces the overall time, reaching 0.1s. However, reducing sleep time may incur DDC errors, see the original comment for detail.

  3. When using multiple monitors, using --async to add some parallelism.

To summarize, specifying bus number and reducing sleep time together reduce the overall time to ~270ms, a 3.7x speedup (the redirection & tail command is used to filter out error messages mentioned earlier):

$ time sh -c \
  "ddcutil --bus=5 --sleep-multiplier=0.2 setvcp 10 50 >/dev/null &&\
   ddcutil --bus=5 --sleep-multiplier=0.2 --brief getvcp 10 | tail -n1"
VCP 10 C 50 100

real    0m0.267s
user    0m0.053s
sys     0m0.038s

Finally, the i3 config to ±10 brightness:

bindsym Shift+XF86MonBrightnessDown exec --no-startup-id \
        ddcutil --bus=5 --sleep-multiplier=0.2 setvcp 10 - 10 &&\
        notify-send -t 1000 "External brightness $(ddcutil --bus=5 --sleep-multiplier=0.2 --brief getvcp 10 | tail -n1 | cut -d' ' -f4)"
bindsym Shift+XF86MonBrightnessUp   exec --no-startup-id \
        ddcutil --bus=5 --sleep-multiplier=0.2 setvcp 10 + 10 &&\
        notify-send -t 1000 "External brightness $(ddcutil --bus=5 --sleep-multiplier=0.2 --brief getvcp 10 | tail -n1 | cut -d' ' -f4)"

Created2022-12-17 11:33
Modified2023-04-04 13:39
Generated2024-06-11 02:39
VersionEmacs 29.3 (Org mode 9.6.15)