RISC-V 大杂烩

曾经雄心勃勃想学RISC-V, 然后研究生学了其他的 = =


1. Roadmap

曾经的总目标: 从零开始用Verilog实现一个可以运行Linux的CPU

  • Verilog
  • 最简单,支持RV32I的CPU
  • 添加流水线
  • 添加特权模式
  • MMU啥的

2. 板子

2.1. 单片机

  • ESP32C3
  • 沁恒有不少更便宜的

3. ASM

4. Verilog

5. 杂七杂八

OpenCores: The reference community for Free and Open Source gateware IP cores

在 Picorv32 / 蜂鸟 E203 软核上运行 RT-Thread: 用荔枝糖跑蜂鸟

Educational materials for RISC-V: archived

Chisel/FIRRTL Hardware Compiler Framework: 可以用来实现 RISC-V 核的语言

Learning FPGA, yosys, nextpnr, and RISC-V: 或许可以拿来学FPGA, 包括了多个1k行以内的RISC-V核,最小的只有400行

Dive Into Systems: 组原的开源教材

Lmxyy - Computer Architecture Task 2: Implement a Risc-v CPU using hardware description language(HDL), and then download the CPU on FPGA. Using C++ to simulate the memory via the USB-UART protocol.

Domipheus Labs — Designing a RISC-V CPU in VHDL


F4PGA - open source FPGA toolchain

First Project: μLisp REPL over serial?

6. OpenMIPS

  • DIY OPenMIPS: 比较可贵的事每篇都有实作心得 (虽然只到Ch9)

7. Core

8. Chisel

9. OS

10. Simulator

  • Ripes A graphical processor simulator and assembly editor for the RISC-V ISA

Created2023-01-18 10:02
Modified2023-01-28 09:51
Generated2024-06-11 02:39
VersionEmacs 29.3 (Org mode 9.6.15)